Gems of a Fishing Village
– Moulay Bousselham, Morocco
There’s always something relaxing about living near the beach. In Moulay Bousselham, it’s no different. Below is a collection of images captured, mostly at dusk.
The concrete steps down to the sand.
This day, the silky fog obscured fishers and tide pool hunters just so.
The ebb and flow of the tide made these deep, rounded wrinkles in the sand.
One of many little “peeps” into the sunset scene when walking down the street.
Everyday, another beautiful sunset.
Watching the gentle fog and Atlantic mist.
Sunset colors.
Getting in the water.
Just sit on a towel, and stare.
Sunsets in between buildings.
Framed by building edges.
Propped up by electrical lines.
Wild chickens?
A day of wading through slimy pools, searching for little critters. Also attempting to fish for razor clams.
Sea anemone!
I don’t know what it is, but it sure looks like an owl.
Passed these cows, about 200m from the coast.
We walk over this big dusty hill to get to the village post office!
The fishing village-ness of this fishing village town, and their blue boats.