Favorite Runs in Favorite Cities
… except in Hong Kong, because I stopped running when I was in Hong Kong =( whoops
Nike has a great tool called Map It (although now I think it is just called “Map”) which is basically a google maps interface that measures out your running routes out in the streets. You can click along and map out your runs that way, or find other routes that other people have made. Here are some of my favorites:
San Francisco, California
Warped out spirally run… did this one a lot because I could easily do more loops around the lake to add up mileage, or cut down the loops if I had to be back home in time for something.
I love Golden Gate Park! Love this one because it is GORGEOUS, especially ending at the beach for stretching. Plus there is the option of jogging back for a cool down or taking the N line back home (MUNI).
Berkeley, California
This was THE staple run that I tried to squeeze in whenever. Nice, easy 2.7miles.
In my last year of school, I ended up doing this one a lot. It was the perfect distance, and also happens to run along several bakeries. Can you imagine how wonderful 5am runs were when the air smells like freshly baked bread?!!
Cambridge, Massachusettes
The staple run, nice 3 mile round trip.
The scenic route. This was one that I found on the site, I don’t think I would have attempted to cross the bridges otherwise.