Israeli General Labor Strike… and Sangria
When Israel had their General Labor strike, my first flight back to Italy was pushed back until Tuesday. As in, I was going to miss two days of school. Yikes. But what can you do…
… other than excuse your extended stay at your-very-good-friend’s-place… and celebrate extended hang-out time with homemade Sangria and Fajitas!!
As soon as she got back from class, we went to the corner market store for sangria and fajita ingredients. We made the sangria first, and then stepped out to walk along the beach to give the fruit time to soak.
The sand is so white, pristine… and so soft.
There are also several little playgrounds scattered about the length of sand. Like this photoshop? : )
We goofed a little, perché no?
Working out, real hard.
This swanky kitty wants to play too.
This is the wall that separates the orthodox beach from the rest. The space behind the wall alternates daily, from males-only, to females-only.
I can only hope that these pictures can communicate just how beautiful it is there.
Even the trash stands looked good.
Do you spy the plane?
One of my favorites.
And then, I saw this thing. What is it? What is growing on it? The world may never know…
So many boats. A boatload of boats!
So this was sababa. Fresh fruit juice “stand”, but the way the oranges are dangled in red mesh bags, poised just above baskets of blushing red pomegranates, instantly resemble the meat stands in Italy =]
Beachfront hotel architecture!
Greenish floodlights…
Still getting used to all the architecture… how many ways can you cut away at a mid-rise building? : )
Eventually, we made it to an outdoor shopping mall in pursuit of a printer for Monica. We didn’t find one, but we did find her a comforter! The fajita cooking went deliciously, as did the sangria. But what I don’t want to forget is how peaceful the whole walk was. I don’t want to forget the soft feel of the fine grain sand. The crash of the cool Mediterranean Sea waves onto my feet. The casual but cheerful singing and attempted rapping alongside Monica’s beatboxing… and above all, being granted additional effervescent time with a very good friend.