Fall Vacation!! Happy Birthday Angelica!!
– Florence, Italy
Well, we made it out of Pompeii alive! (see above picture)
And now it’s time for Fall Break! Guess where I’m going?!!!
Krakow, Poland in 18 hours! (and then Israel!!)
We are stopping by the Pisa monuments on our way to Pisa airport to see some of the buildings that were closed the first time we went to Pisa. Then taking the bus to the airport (solo 1 euro!) and fly to Krakow. I’ll be there until Wednesday evening, seeing the salt mines in Wieliczka, as well as going to Angelica’s family cemetery and Auschwitz on All Saints Day. It’s going to be the most meaningful Halloween ever… something that I think is appropriate as I get older. Costumes-and-candy turned into costumes-and-partying in college… and now post-real-life-work and buried deep in graduate school, I’m growing up into a serious holiday. After that, I fly to Tel Aviv to see my dearest friend also attending graduate school there. From there it is an hour bus ride to Jerusalem and I hope to make it to Bethlehem as well. Cross my fingers that I can take another bus to dip into the Dead Sea…
Quick notes: Today is Angelica’s birthday! Happy Birthday Angelica!! We celebrated so far with sleeping in, a leisure lunch, espresso, and working on studio (because we have a crit on Monday)
No worries, we are going out for our favourite pizza and pub tonight.
Have you seen these images reblogged about? I love them… The most beautiful colours of fall!