Hiking at Old Forge
I love Hiking!! By the end of this page, you’ll realize why this was one of my favorite days since I moved to Syracuse.
It’s just under 2 hours away. A very scenic route. A very beautiful Sunday.
Old Forge is also a sweet, small town. Before embarking on the hike, we stopped by for breakfast. I got belgian waffle, which is one of my grandma’s favorite! So crispy… so chewy… with lots of syrup! ; )
The trail we took starts off flat, but FULL of slender trees with bountiful layers of leaves.
Such a pretty canopy, so good to be back.
It got steep pretty quickly though. Met a new furry friend.
Steep rocks are no challenge for these trees! Check out the roots!
Met a cool friend.
I’m not sure if this next picture shows just how steep and ginormous the rocks are. Careful footing is necessary if you want to move through quickly, otherwise, it makes for a good time!
Every now and then you come out to an opening to check out the view of the lakes!!
Big leap!
Destination in view!
Wearing the shirt from New Years in Barcelona ^.^
View from the top (only 4 people allowed in the top at a time!) It was very wobbly.
The view is gorgeous. I could have stayed up there for hours.
Some fun commentary.
Windswept trees ; )
Had a picnic in the grasses at the top of the mountain.
One last look before heading back into town..
So then, Brett took me into this old theater, and into this hall.
I think I just stared with my mouth open because I was so surprise, and so HAPPY!
I LOVE cameras. I love film. I love projectors, reels, digital or film, of all mm sizes. I geeked out so hard.
Quite a few old movie projectors!
Interchangeable lenses ; )
Some wine tasting : )
Some store browsing : )
haha… chunky dunk!!
A candy store!!
Got to try my first sponge candy! Dark chocolate, of course!
We had to head back a little earlier to make a group meeting for school, but it was an incredible day filled with all the things that I love to do.
Hiking. Picnicking. Photographing. Wine tasting. Exploring. Shopping. Laughing. Candy eating. Wind-in-the-hair-driving-with-great-music-playing. Singing. Waffle eating.
What a day. What a day.