Syracuse Zoo !!
So I finally went to the Zoo in Syracuse!
It’s a small zoo, very small enclosures, which is rather sad. I’m always conflicted about zoos because the idea of keeping wild animals in artificial habits is terrible, but at the same time, it teaches kids to empathize with animals. They made a huge impact on me, and probably fueled my environmental concerns and increased my involvement at Care2 as well as frequency of petitioning my local Representative and Senators!
Anyways, I went with a friend on a very hot Syracuse day, and it was chock full of stroller bumper cars, and little kiddies running around. We threaded our way through the packs, first, to the lions.
They were sleeping. (Lioness!)
This little guy was my favorite. I wanted to scoop him up, pet him, and take him back to his home. Unless he was bred in captivity. Because then releasing him to the wild would be a tragic.
Mommy and baby.
Just a baby.
I loved this penguin. He…. She… ? and I made eyes for a long time. Or more like, this penguin was born to model in front of the camera.
My, what textures you have.
Visitors can help log the tiger’s daily activity ;) Some of them are funny, worth reading.
This was outside a different animal’s pen. I don’t remember what it was. Just that the sign made me chuckle.
Yay Pachyderm Power!
Goat’s ears!
Looked kinda sad. And bored.
Little birdie sneaking past Mr. Pig.
Guess what. This is not a house cat. Looks like one though!
These kids think they are.
Bird area!
Pretty =) Oh, but hey, what’s going on in the background?
Duck: Hey.
Flamingo: Hey, you’re not a flamingo.
Other Bird: Truth.
I sleep like this sometimes.
YAY!! I *KNEW* You couldn’t stay away!! ROFL! I love what you did..and I agree, great atotientn to detail. I hadn’t even noticed the branches, and thought they couldn’t POSSIBLY be in the photo I downloaded!! LOL I then realized it was because I was so focused on her face, and her dress. So, I cropped it immediately to show off that expressive face, and with it went the branches!! LOL I love the first one, its a bit bright, but it gives her an “angelic” look, and makes her eye shine bright! Nice job!!!